Questions on QPR bitumen and how to use quickly and easily for DIY projects

How is QPR different to other products on the market?
What separates QPR from the rest is our proprietary, water-repelling additive. Our additive will allow you to repair the damaged pavement area without the need to remove any water. Simply remove any loose debris and compact the material in 50mm increments.

How long will it take the patch to harden completely?
QPR is designed to remain somewhat pliable after application. This allows the product to continue to fill small voids and crevices through continued compaction. Totally filling these voids prevents water (and in the winter – ice) from getting into the repaired area, and ultimately causing your patch to fail.

When can I apply driveway sealer over the area I just repaired?
Just as you wouldn’t apply a second coat of paint before the first coat dries, you’ll need to allow QPR to cure or ‘dry’ prior to the application of any sealer type product. Curing time depends on the climatic conditions at the time, but as a general rule your patch should be ready to seal in 6 months. The more compaction the patch gets, the more rapidly it will cure. A quick ‘feel test’ is to simply place your hand on the patch. If it is still tacky, more cure time is required. If it is dry to the touch and appears somewhat dull rather than shiny, the patch may be sealed or treated. Remember, cosmetically, QPR is as black as the sealer you are using, so the appearance of your driveway, parking lot or patched area, will look as good as new.

Should I cover the patched area while it cures?
Absolutely not. QPR is ready for traffic immediately following compaction. Covering the patch delays the curing process, and provides no benefit to your repair.

How deep a hole can I fill?
As long as you compact the QPR every 50mm, you can fill as deep a hole as you like.

Can I use QPR to build a speed bump, curb or ramp?
Probably not. Remember, QPR is a REPAIR material, designed to work within the confines of a hole or utility cut. Although we have had some pretty creative customers who have found ways to use QPR in situations not approved by our Engineering Department, QPR is designed solely to patch potholes and utility cuts.

If I don’t use all the QPR in the bucket, can I use the remaining material later?
Yes. Just seal the bucket tightly, and the remaining material will stay usable for up to two years. 

Do you deliver in Australia?
Yes. We provide FREE shipping to: VIC, NSW, QLD, TAS & ACT (remote locations may incur a freight surcharge).

See our full range of QPR products

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3-7 Meek St New Gisborne Victoria 3438

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